Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Argument #1: Scientific Facts and Tests

There is enough scientific evidence to prove no connection between the MMR vaccination and Autism. Although there has been a recent increase in the number of children diagnosed, it has nothing to do with the MMR vaccine. Parents feel the need to blame something for their chidren's unfortunate illness. Experts in the medical field and key researchers have been working hard and have performed many tests to test this theory. None of their research has proven a link between the vaccine and Autism. Scientists are now working hard to find a cure.


Rey said...

This argument is a strong one, and one that I feel would be a strong one as possibly a third or fourth argument. It seems more or less like an argument based upon the opposing viewpoint, however, and counterclaims the opposing viewpoint rather than proving your own. I have to once again agree with your standing point, though.

GKim said...

I agree with you, and with quotes from experts and scientific data from past tests and surveys should be sufficient to support your argument.

Perhaps you could mention the detrimental effects of a child with Autism on parents and the mental stress that would led to their assumptions towards the MMR vaccine? Or perhaps the absence of any other recent vaccine leading to a presumably genetic disease?