Thursday, March 13, 2008

Does the MMR Vaccination Cause Autism?

Autism affects the lives of many children and their families across the world. Many parents blame the cause of their children's development of Autism from the MMR vaccination. As a baby, a child is given the MMR vaccination to prevent all different sorts of diseases. Some say the vaccination contained high levels of mercury, thus resulting in neurological damage, such as Autism. Scientists have done many tests and extensive research and have concluded that no evidence supports their claims. A family friend of mine was diagnosed with Autism several years ago. She is doing great, however, and is improving every day. I wanted to do this topic because it interests me. Autism is such a devastating disease and researchers and parents have been working hard to find a cure. I participated in an Autism walk several years back at Giants' Stadium to race money for a cure. There were so many people working together to achieve a common goal. I wanted to do research on this topic to find out if not receiving the MMR vaccination can prevent many from developing Autism.

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